Masters - Software Engineering
San Jose State University
Manasa is a self-motivated and rare to find passionate professional. She has out-of-box thinking and approaches a problem with "can do" attitude. She is a quick learner and fast to adapt to any new change. Apart from all the technical acumen, she makes the work environment lively and gels into team with least friction.
- Prem Sureddy, Senior Enterprise Architect at Ericsson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Decentralised Voting Application Using Blockchain
This application is to provide a web-based decentralised voting application where each and every voter has a fair role to play. It uses blockchain mechanism and prevents double-voting and fraudulent voting. In this application, each voter registers with valid details and then votes to the corresponding party. Each registered voter has a unique voter ID.
It provides:
a. Anonymity of voters: Ensures that whoever is casting a vote, they are authorised to do so.
b. Only one vote per person: Anyone can vote only once in the an election.
c. Data integrity: Ensures that once voted, it cannot be manipulated.
As an Instructional Student Assistant for the course - Data Structures and Algorithms in Fall 2019, I developed Python scripts to automate grading 60 students’ homework assignments based on custom rubric. Worked under Prof. Juan Gomez.